Production Goals for 2013
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As part of the normal budgeting process, the Production Leadership Team has come up with six goals for 2013. Those goals concern releases of the Joomla Platform and the Joomla CMS, continuing maintenance updates, and outreach and promotion to a technical audience.
PLT Meeting Notes - February 2013
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Following are the meeting notes from the Production Leadership Team meeting held in February 2013.
Version 12.3 of the Joomla Platform released
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Version 12.3 ("Curiosity") of the Joomla Platform was tagged and released on 20 December 2012. It is the third release of the 12.x series. In addition to numerous bug fixes, documentation updates and it also brings new features, the main ones:
- Platform manual converted from DocBook to Markdown to improve readability and enhance contribution.
- Extensive additions to the platform documentation.
- Easier query construction with JDatabaseQuery::format
- Support for composite keys in JTable
- Improvements to the JGitHub API
- Improvements to JLog around excluding categories and features for syslog
- Improved Windows support for testing and building
- PHPMailer updated to 5.2.2
The full list of commits is available here and the api doc here The Joomla! Platform Manual is available at
Project size
- Classes: 305 (300 in platform 12.2)
- Methods: 2187 (2136 in platform 12.2)
Summary of code quality
- Check style: 123 warnings (124 in platform 12.2)
- Test Coverage: 39.4% (38.16% in platform 12.2).
Feedback wanted for Joomla Compatibility Check Feature
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If you are a Joomla extension developer, your feedback on a proposed new method of checking extension compatibility with Joomla, before a Joomla upgrade takes place, is needed. This is your chance to influence a major Joomla feature which will stay with us for years to come.
Providing your feedback is very simple. There is a forum thread where you can voice your concerns or express your support. All arguments will be carefully considered. The discussion will be open until 2 January 2013. Now is the time for your voice to be heard.
Click here to read the proposal
Click here to comment on the proposal
Read more: Feedback wanted for Joomla Compatibility Check Feature
Joomla Platform LGPL Survey
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The Joomla Platform Maintainers would like your feedback about whether, as a community, we want to change the license under which the Joomla Platform is released to the LGPL. It is felt that in moving to the LGPL, we will be able to allow more people to integrate the Joomla Platform with their software solutions, and that will translate to an increase in support for the Joomla project overall.
Please give your feedback via the Joomla Platform LGPL Survey. This survey will remain open until the 2 January 2013. After the feedback is collected and reviewed, we will publish the results in a consolidated form and make a determination about what the next steps, if any, will be.
Please note, the feedback relates only to the license of the Joomla Platform. There is no proposal to change the license of the Joomla CMS.
The Joomla Platform Maintainers thank you in advance for your valued feedback.