Join us for a Bug Squashing event at the upcoming Joomla! Day Minnesota at the Mall of America on Sunday, July 19th, the day after the conference! Don’t forget to book an extra day on your trip if you plan on attending.
If you have never worked with code before, no worries at all! We will show you how to test and work with bug patches and how the process works! Our goal is to work through the issue tracker and get through as much as possible! If you have experience working with code, that’s just as great! We can show you the process of creating patches and adding it to our tracker.
Not going to be at the conference? You can still join remotely. Send an email to Tessa Mero to get access to our chat room where we will be collaborating and keeping in touch through.
The day our issue tracker has no pending items could be a goal that’s possible to accomplish if we had a lot more bug squishing testers available. Oh, I wish!
Tessa Mero and Jessica Dunbar will be hosting this event and available to answer any questions or assist with showing you how to test bugs.
Who : Developers and Non Developers (anyone!)
Where : Bloomington, MN, Mall of America ( Location: 60 East Broadway, Bloomington, MN 55425) or ONLINE!
When : Sunday, July 19, 2015 , 12:00 - Sunday, July 19, 2015, 16:00
Registration: Online at Joomla! Day Minnesota (or if online only, email Tessa for chat access
Contact : tessa.mero (at) for access to our chat collaboration or any prior questions you have
Twitter : @TessaMero or @JessicaDunbar You may tweet at either of us with questions as well!
Hope to see you all there!