Category Issue # Title
Modules 32552 Count of mod_articles_category is ignored with Joomla 2.5.15
Modules 32615 Regression: Module can't be deleted
Modules 32623 Mod_login need to pick up com_users settings on links
Modules 32662 Feed information missing in RSS type Syndication Feed
Modules 32810 *mod_feed does not render hyperlinks in RSS 2.0 feeds containing GUIDs + others
None 32523 Update some wrong docblock packages
None 32545 BC issue: JApplication::redirect($url, $message) broken: Message not displayed after redirect: Affecting many extensions
None 32620 Sorting columns in feature contacts does gives js error
None 32629 The media formfield is missing a space before the class attribute
None 32721 Fix small error in application view
None 32727 Updating Joomla! RAD Layer to FOF 2.1.0 stable
None 32765 *com_redirect :do not translate cyrillic characters in url
None 32827 *Regression: Batch Copy categories with language change to ROOT broken
None 32883 *Reverting not allowing spaces in username
None 32941 *Multilingual: solving 404 when Remove URL Language Code is set to YES
None 32952 Updated FOF to version 2.1.1
Platform 32074 Fixed PHP Notice: Undefined variable: versionName in contenthistory.php on line 155
Platform 32578 [2.5] Argument 1 passed to JHttpTransportStream::getResponse() must be an array
Platform 32699 Joomla! extension updates can't use update XML sources with URLs not ending in .xml
Platform 32846 Add in batch language option for all languages