There is always a great deal of Joomla! development activity underway and communicating with other developers in the community is essential. This site is a resource for anyone looking to build or maintain software based on the Joomla! platform.

I’d like to extend an open invitation, on behalf of the Joomla User eXperience (JUX) Team, to the first official JUX Code Sprint:

JUX Code sprint 8-9 July 2013

Following the incredible results from the impromptu bug squashing session held at J&Beyond 2013 the JUX Team has decided to organise a formal JUX Code Sprint, in time for the 3.2 release.

We want to draw together Joomla community members, their laptops, caffeinated beverages and a predefined ‘hit list’ of proposed UI/UX improvements and then get things done!

Photo of JAB13 coding, by and courtesy of Philip Locke
Photo of JAB13 coding, by and courtesy of Philip Locke

The code sprint is open to anyone who wants to join to work efficiently with us.  But, please realise that this is not a conference, or seminar, it is a planned working event intended to quickly fix outstanding issues, and add new features prior to 3.2. If you are coming please let me know (contact details below) so that we can arrange lunch and refreshments and, most importantly, a seat, power socket and internet connection, for everyone!

Have time on Monday July 8th and Tuesday 9th to work on coding tasks, but can't join physically ? No problem ! Please simply reply to this thread, add your Skype id to your JUX forum profile, so we can contact you on Monday morning 8th around 9:30 am UK time.

Of course, there’s no need to wait for the code sprint if you have time to contribute improvements. Just check already identified tasks here: UX Tasks identified for Joomla 3.2 then volunteer here: Ready to contribute ? and start working to make Joomla 3.2 great today!


The Chancellors Conference Centre Manchester, United Kingdom


The 8th and 9th of July, 2013 are our scheduled intensive work days, starting around 9:30 am and ending late in the night, though attendees are encouraged to arrive on the 7th if possible so we can enjoy two full days of coding from the 8th.


Manchester has great rail and road connections and an excellent public transport infrastructure.


Manchester Airport has great connections and is only 20 minutes by taxi from the hotel.


Manchester Piccadilly train station is 10 minutes away by taxi or 20 minutes by bus from Manchester City Centre.


Driving directions to venue

(note the GPS settings or you will get to the wrong place!).

Let us know if you need help planning travel and we’ll be happy to help.

I hope to see you in Manchester soon!

Best regards,

Seth Warburton

JUX Team Leader

Twitter: @nternetinspired

Discuss invitation and tell the world you are joining here: Forum thread