There is always a great deal of Joomla! development activity underway and communicating with other developers in the community is essential. This site is a resource for anyone looking to build or maintain software based on the Joomla! platform.

Joomla PLT Treasurer Liaison Open Position

The Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT) is pleased to announce that we are looking for members to fill particular roles. We currently have a volunteer position open for a PLT Treasurer Liaison.

The PLT is responsible for leading and coordinating the development of the Joomla CMS and the Joomla Framework. This includes releasing new versions, fixing bugs, adding new features, translating and creating documentation.

We are looking for someone to join in on our discussions and meetings, serve as a voting member, and help with coordinating with the Open Source Matters, Inc Treasurer with the PLT Treasurer Liaison.

The Treasurer Liaison is the PLT contact person for the Finance Team (FiT) of OSM. It is the Treasurer Liaison’s responsibility to ensure that the goals and budget are in place every year. The Treasurer Liaison manages the production expenses covered by Open Source Matters, such as Code Sprints, PLT Travel, and any kind of costs associated with the PLT. This role will also require the management of the goals document as well as monitoring our goals

Over the next few months we will be opening up new positions to fill in where we currently need help. Be sure to follow our announcements on the Developer News portal.

Application Deadline: 28th June, 2016

If you are interested, please fill out the application form here. If you have any additional questions, you may contact