Category Issue # Title
Administration 30259 Added (min) height to table cells with context
Administration 30347 Fixed alignment of admin menu icons
Administration 30366 Help Screens, key wrong, missing or not created correctly
Administration 30402 Clarification of tags description
Administration 30406 Set state to unpublished when save2copy
Administration 30414 Pagination limit not changeable in com_redirect
Administration 30432 Optimize styling for small devices
Administration 30537 Menus with default view in URL and sub-tasks are missing in other defined attributes and do not display correctly in menu type input in backend
Administration 30595 Fixing 'urls' within TagsTableTag->bind()
Administration 30637 Error when publishing a child tag of an unpublished parent tag
Administration 30639 Hathor Tags issues Tag edit view
Administration 30642 Creating a new Tag based on existing one, using 'Save as Copy' appends a number even the new Title of the copy is different from the original
Authentication and Login 29266 Uncaught exception in user profile when entering string for birth date
CMS Libraries 29717 Typo in Formbehavior::Chosen
CMS Libraries 29736 Bootstrap carousel undefined method JHtmlBootstrap::_getJSObject in bootstrap.php
CMS Libraries 29786 JHtmlBootstrap tabs broken
CMS Libraries 29787 array_diff_assoc() fix for PHP 5.4
CMS Libraries 30120 Rename and move classes in the install library from Platform to CMS
CMS Libraries 30132 Postgresql query errors in JCategories
CMS Libraries 30172 *Moving the helper getAssociations() to the cms library